Good Day, World.




Gcalligraphic--writing-hello_1020-450ood day, world.

My name is Holly.

Great start to my website, am I right?

Let me politely introduce myself. I’m Holly and since we (we meaning you and I) are going to be spending some time together, I suppose that I should tell you about this website and what it’s all about.

This website is a fan page. Don’t go clicking on the exit button, I see you there. No this is a fan page where I explain my feelings on famous people, things and events including stuff that isn’t really important in general.

I hope you lovely people of the internet, who could potentially destroy me for anything that I do wrong, enjoy every moment of me wondering about the meaning of life.

So please don’t judge me or my opinion because no-one likes mean people who judge others on what they say. I am also clearly dysfunctional because all my opinions come to the same conclusion – life is a joke.

Wow ok ignore the instant life-putdown right there people, sorry about that.

Yes I am a Dan Howell fan.

Ok so I think I should give you a list of things that make me happy in life.

5 Seconds of Summer, YouTube, my friends and family and this website.

Ta da.

So there it is folks!

I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to my website. Don’t worry, my posts will be longer than this one.

I’ll also be talking about my favourite YouTuber or YouTubers because that is something lots of you can relate to, right? No? Ok.

Oh I feel so professional!

I’ll be uploading my blogs every Tuesday and Saturday if I’m not too busy.

Ok then goodbye people of the world!

Holly x